

Karra; Ok, let us get down to dealing with the rules of a healer.
Russ; Oh, good.
Karra; Ok, first of all, let us deal with personal hygiene, being clean as much as is possible, as much as the environment allows, that means clean clothing, because clothing can carry germs, and stains, and bacteria, and viruses, so it is important for a healer to maintain a clean appearance and clothing, clean and neat appearance of skin is also important, dirt underneath the finger nails can carry bacteria, germs, micro-organisms, parasites, and so on, and can be transmitted when dealing with cuts and scratches and broken bones, so it is important to be clean as well, Ok, health now the healer that has a cold or cough, is transmitting the very thing that he is trying to cure, if she or he is helping people but is sick, then the healer is not helping but hindering the healing process, what have we got so far?
Russ; clean cloths, hygiene so clean nails, maintaining good health, so your not transmitting the came disease your trying to get rid of.
Karra; Correct. Ok, now let us move on, what else is important for a healer?
R; Energy.
Karra; A clean mind. Why is a clean mind important?
R; well, because the cleaner the mind the less disturbing influences.
Karra; Correct, now having a clean mind also enables you to focus correctly on the task at hand, and not to be able to be distracted on other thoughts that cause interference. Now the distracting factors are something that is important to deal with, because you have to be focused, so we have a clean mind, you can have dirty thoughts, smutty thoughts, interesting thoughts, but when you are a healer you cannot, because the primary function of the healer is to be focused on the healing, Ok, let us go to preparation for a healing, in your society we talk about everything must be sterol, this is correct, it goes without saying it's self evident, anybody that believes other wise is a fool, after all a dirty scalpal means it's carrying bacteria, parasites, micro-organisms, and so on. Which will infect the wound that you are trying to heal or create so you can heal it. So, you must have a clean work service, preferably a clean sterile cloth for the individual to lie on, so that the blood that seeps out does not leak out all over the place. Now we've got our work area to set up, Ok, we have a clean sterile cloth for them to lie on, this will offer some amount of protection from the service, ideally a sterile environment to operate in, but sometimes it may be difficult to have the ideal situation, so, if you cannot have the ideal situation, which frequently occurs, you must try to create as near as possible, the environment oa a total sterile environment.
R; What about using plastic instead of cloth?
Karra; Plastic works.
R; It won't soak it in, but it's not going to track germs as easy as cloth would.
Karra; Yes, but cloths serves as a very useful function.
R; More comfortable for the patient?
Karra; Yes, that's one function, Let us say your on the table, and you've got the plastic over it, and your operating, and there's a lot of blood, what does blood do?
R; Gets slippery.
Karra; Exactly, what happens when cloth gets blood on it?
R; It doesn't get slippery.
Karra; Exactly, so that is why you would use cloth, plastic is more sterile, and easier to maintain, but cloth will stop the patient from being uncomfortable, and slipping around. So you have to make sacrifices but you maintain as much as possible a sterile environment.
R; what about using all the technologies we have down here, cellophane on top of cloth?
Karra; That would work.
R; Because that's not going to be, I mean it's still sterile, but it will bunch up.
Karra; But, plastics create a hot patch, and fluids can collect, as opposed to being absorbed.
R; What's the difference?
Karra; Ideally what you'd want to do is put the plastic underneath.
R: Ok.
Karra; So we have our basic area set up, we have water.
R; And we have our, cloth, we have our clean instruments, we have our clean doctor, clean thoughts, clean nails, clean skin and clean cloths.
Karra; Now we put all those things together, what is the next important thing to happen?
R; The patient?
Karra; No, ideally would be to not have a patient, but unfortunately things happen and will do have a patient. Ok, what is the next thing that you need?
R; Either energy or knowledge.
Karra; No, you can have all the energy in the world, but it's not going to do you a hill of beans if you don't know what your doing. If you think you know how to heal, but you have no knowledge you can do harm, so it is important to have the knowledge, now what sort of knowledge do you need as a healer? Well, you have to understand the basics first of all, the basic common first step, how to set the bone, how to do basic first aide, for example, two pieces of wood and a bandage, you can set a leg with that, you immobilize the bone, you also have to know a little bit about biology, on a wider step, not only just biology of the body but biology of certain plants, Ok, let us say you have unusual markings on the arm, you have a whole bunch of little marks all over the arm, now what's caused those little marks?
R; Abrasions, you mean?
Karra; Little bumps and prickles with little white things inside of them.
R; A poisoning?
Karra; Possibly a poisoning, it might be just dry skin, or it could be insect bites, or an allergic reaction to something. We've got to know what transpired to create these little bumps on the arm, First question is, when did you first notice these little markings?
R; A day ago.
Karra; Was it when you first got up or what happened when you first noticed them? Where were you?
R; In the woods.
Karra; You were in the woods huh? Were you walking near any plants or anything?
R; Yes;
Karra; Were there a lot of insects around?
R; Not many insects, mosquito's.
Karra; Mosquito's, were there a lot of mosquito's?
R; Well it was kind of wet, so yes there were lots of mosquito's.
Karra; Did you notice any suckling under the skin or anything?
R; Yes.
Karra; Did you scratch the area?
R; Yes.
Karra; What sort of plants were in the area? Were they plants with lots of leaves? Or a lot of pollen?
R; Lots of trees and some ferns.
Karra; Lots of ferns huh? Were you near the ferns?
R; Yes. I brushed up against them.
Karra; So you see, what have we done here?
R: You established that it could have been either the plants or the animals.
Karra; Now, we've established a little bit more then that actually. We've established that yes, it could have been insects, but more then likely it's plants, because you brushed up against them. Ok, lets say that you've got a mark on your arm, I want you to decide what it is in your mind, Ok, you got something.
R; Yes.
Karra; Ok, I'm going to stay out of your mind, now I'm going to ask you the same questions again, maybe in a slightly different order. When did you first notice this mark?
R; The other day.
Karra; Describe the mark to me.
R; Large and white.
Karra; Ok, large and white, any red areas around there?
R; Yes, there's red around it.
Karra; What time of day was it when you noticed the mark?
R; About five O'clock.
Karra; Morning or afternoon?
R; Evening.
Karra; Evening, Ok, what had you been doing during the day?
R; Swimming in the river. Picnicking.
Karra; Picnicking, What was the picnic area like?
R; Just a grassy area, lots of rocks, near a river.
Karra; Lots of rocks, Were there any unusual plants there?
R; Not really, more grass then anything else.
Karra; Ok, so we've ruled out or nearly ruled out that it's plant related. Ok, now we've narrowed it down, Now its got to be animal related or rock related. Ok, were you climbing on any of these rocks?
R; Yes. To jump off.
Karra; Did you hit any of the rocks?
R; No.
Karra; So we've ruled out the rocks. When you were in the water what sort of animals were swimming around?
R; Nothing.
Karra; Was the water fast moving?
R; It was just a big pool.
Karra; Were there any flies floating around on the surface?
R; There could have been.
Karra; You don't recall an unusual amount of flies?
R; Not that I had noticed.
Karra; Did anything land on you?
R; Not that I noticed.
Karra; When you were up on the grass, what sort of animals were around?
R; Some ants, a couple of mosquito's.
Karra; Ok, what was the weather like?
R; Sunny and hot.
Karra; Was there a breeze?
R; Not really, it was pretty still.
Karra; Ok, how near were you to the ants nest?
R; I couldn't tell really just every once in a while I'd see one or two.
Karra; Were there any of them on your food?
R; Yes, I brushed a couple of them off.
Karra; Ok, what about the mosquito's, were there a lot of them flying around in your area? Did you see any of them land on your skin?
R; Not really but you could hear them.
Karra; Did you feel anything land on you?
R; Well you really couldn't tell, very possible. Karra; You got bit by an ant, correct?
R; No.
Karra; You got bit by a mosquito?
R; Yes.
Karra; Ok, but you see what's transpired, by asking these questions, and having the knowledge, your able to come up with a formulated answer, and what do we have so far? Lets start off with what we've just covered.
R; Well we have a basic working knowledge of how the thing happened, so with a cause, we now have a way to treat the cause.
Karra; Ok, we have knowledge, we have a clean work space, we have a clean mind, we have clean clothing, we have a clean person with clean finger nails, now lets move on. How are you going to treat this person that has the bite? Ok, you have several ways, one is by focusing the healing capabilities of that persons body to fight the bite. Or you can run off and get some ointment, and apply the ointment, but you've got to stop them from scratching, so you have to use your mind energy to put them in the frame of mind where they're not going to A) scratch it. B) they want to be healed. They want to be made better, to speed up the healing process, so by doing this your using the final piece that you need. You can expand energy in several different ways, through the mind focusing on their healing ability, to do the healing. Now when you heal you have to change to their frequency, but sometimes that's not possible, so what you have to do is get them to adjust to where you can meet them by re-tuning the vibration frequencies of your body, you have to re-tune theirs to come up to yours, or visa-versa. Ok, to do that you have to put them in a common experience with you, they have to experience and help initiate in the healing process, weather it is with a scalpel, or dealing with a spiritual nature. You have to tune them to your frequency to help the healing, so we have the final piece of the puzzle, in using your energy and their energy to work together for a healing. So what do we have?
R; We have energy,
Karra; Explain.
R; Energy as far as using my energy or their energy to help work on the problem, we have knowledge, the cause of the problem so we know how to fix it, we have a clean work environment, we have a clean mind, we have a clean person, we have clean cloths and clean finger nails.
Karra; Correct, and the finger nails are very important because you use your hands, they need to be separate because you use your finger nails.
R; What about gloves?
Karra; What if your out in the wild and you don't have your gloves with you? Let us say your river rafting, are you going to carry your first aid kit everywhere you go?
Karra; Ok, lets talk about frost bite, why is it better to stick your hands under the arms instead of the groin?
R; Well because heat rises and the heat under your arms is going to be at a higher tempature then between your legs.
Karra; Ok, lets assume that I've just put somebody's hands underneath my arms, I close my arms, now, I'm restricted in what I can do, I can't look for other signs of damage on their feet, because I can't get down there, to have a look at them. So it may appear to you that it may be better to put the hands under your arm, but it restricts your movement and capabilities, so by putting the hands in between your legs and closing your legs, there is no exception applied to save a mans fingers, you can take his boots off and look at his feet, they've got the same thing with their feet, Ok, what are you going to do? Now you put their feet on your groin, and put their hands underneath your arms, you can't get much further then this at this point, what you can also do is use you voice, how do they respond to this? Are they sluggish in their answers? Are they slurred? How are their pupils? Are they reacting to the light? Or are they just staying the same? With your limited movement you could put your hand over one eye and see how both eye's react. So, you've now said that this individual has frost bite, let us look at are options, Ok, you've got their hands warmed up and their feet warmed up, now any body that is backpacking in the wilderness needs what?
R; Some way to make a fire.
Karra; No, knowledge, knowledge helps make fire, knowledge on what they've got in their backpack, knowledge on what they have with them. Ok, you've got their hands warmed up Ok, now you go into your backpack and get a pair of socks, you put your dry socks on them, you put them in their sleeping bag, now you make the fire, but what do you need now?
R; Wood?
Karra; No, knowledge, you've got to keep going back to knowledge, it is important, Ok, if your going to make that fire underneath that tree there, there is a whole lot of snow there, you dig a pit, make a cave, collect your wood, put the person in the cave or the pit, you light a fire in the front so that the snow melts, but the heat also radiates around, so your in the cave protected, now with the fire out front the snow is not going to fall down on top of it and extinguish the fire, but the heat is radiating out. Now you take your cooking pot, you boil the snow to make water. Now what's happening? The person is warming up internally,
R; You check to see if the color is returning to the parts of their body that the frost bite affected.
Karra; Good, also what do you do? Talk to them, ask them questions, listen to their answers, listen to how they're responding, watch their actions, how they are moving, if they're moving, how they are behaving, ask them what they're thinking, don't let them sleep, because what happens when you sleep?
R; Your circulation slows down.
Karra; Correct. You want to keep them conciouse, so that they can get going. You can get out of that environment as quickly as possible, How are you going to warm up the body? you've got them drinking hot fluids, that's great but it cools down awful quickly as it goes into the body, Have them inhale the steam, that way the vapors are getting into the bronchial tubes, as opposed to their stomach, they can smell the chocolate, they can smell the fluids going into them, they are warming up their lungs.
R; Thank you Karra.
Tia; Ok, lets look at what Karra discussed, see if I can do a Omal thing. I can't add any thing because I'm not a healer, If I were a healer then Karra would be out of a job, you got that?

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